Our Why

To awaken the power of unbounded human potential, and create workplaces that honor the human and boost the bottom line.

Our People at the Center team is comprised of experienced leaders who have been drawn together for the purpose of creating people-centric, elevated workplaces. We know that when you put human beings at the center of your strategic vision for growth, you see exponential results. This is accomplished through having committed leaders at every level of the organization who are developing themselves and others to evolve beyond the old models of working that no longer serve us. We employ proven strategies and interventions that result in more productivity and company ROI, but also joy, fulfillment, and a stronger belief in the potential of oneself and others.

Leadership Manifesto

We believe in the power of people.

We understand that leadership means modeling authenticity and collaboration.

We practice power-with versus power-over others.

We listen to our people, especially the ones who don’t say as much or think differently than we do.

We don’t shy away from hard conversations. We know that giving honest feedback that is kind, clear and concise is in service to the highest good of the person and the team.

We are hardwired to care more.

We admit mistakes and take responsibility for everything in our purview, because that’s where true power lives.

We do everything we can to remove the constraints holding people back from knowing themselves as capable, confident and self-empowered.